Trails and Island Maintenance

Members:  Kevin Sudeith, Chair, Rachel BaumgartnerBruce Myers, Dru Schmidt-PerkinsDick Seymour, and Marcia Stone

To email all members of this committee, click here.

Adopt a Trail or LandmarkNEW 8/10/17

August 21, 2014

Here are 3 photos of the newly cleared cellar hole (just to the west of the triangle in front of the Wise’s).

This was the Nelson house, at least George Nelson and family were living there when Nealley and Hughes bought the island.

Thanks to Dick & Rosie Seymour for cleaning out the cellar hole.

cellar hole 082114.jpg
cellar hole 082114.jpg
Nelson farmhouse.jpg
Nelson farmhouse.jpg
Nelson farmhouse with Robinhood cottagejpg.jpg
Nelson farmhouse with Robinhood cottagejpg.jpg


August 13, 2014

Thank you to all those who participated in the work days!

Thanks to all of you who wanted to but had other commitments.

A Big Thank You to Chris and his crew for all the chipping and the bush hogging. Check out the cellar hole revealed by the bush hogging below Rogers and across from Wises on the path to Cory Cove.

Here is a list of some things that could be done if anyone is looking for a little exercise:
1. Mow the cemetery lawn.
2. Clean out the new cellar hole revealed.
3. Check Mosquito Log in Post Office and put out dunks where necessary.
4. Digitize any old Macmahan pictures and articles you may have and email them to me.
5. Notify me of any trees down on trails.
6. Most of all Have Fun!


Report – June 18, 2013