Island Community Spaces Committee

Our goal is to reevaluate island assets and see how they might better support islanders’ and SICO staff members’ needs and wants in how and where we gather. 


Committee Goals, as identified Fall 2023 – Spring 2024:

  1. To enhance and revitalize community spaces on MacMahan Island, with the intent of fostering more community gatherings. 
  2. To provide a better work environment (dedicated bathroom and break room facilities) for SICO staff. 
  3. To minimize disturbances at the Lodge for the Superintendent and family. 
  4. To preserve and respect, as much as possible, the historic and natural elements of the Island. 
  5. To not increase costs to Islanders wherever possible.

Recommendations (approved April 6, 2024)

After a lengthy process that included surveys, one-on-one conversations, and three community Zoom meetings, the Board approved the following proposal from the Committee: 

  1. Move the Store to Yacht Club 
  2. Create a staff break room in the former Store 
  3. Build a staff bathroom (with shower) at the Shop
  4. Enhance the overall landscaping for the Yacht Club / Playhouse / Coal Shed Museum area.

Next Steps

The Committee will next work to implement this first set of recommendations. This committee’s work is ongoing, and we hope to make additional recommendations to improve our island community. As always, the committee will continue to deeply engage our island community to gather ideas and determine the next action items. 

Please contact the committee chair, Sarah McLean (, if you would like to join this committee.